Student Learning Outcomes

The Student Learning Outcomes are determined by the School of Information and represent what the student has learned in the MLIS program.

These outcomes are in accordance with the American Library Association core competencies.

Goal 1: Leadership and Innovation
Students are innovative, ethical, problem-solvers able to lead and manage through communication, collaboration, and reflection.

Goal 2: Systems and Services
Students understand the systems and technologies that facilitate the management and use of information resources to serve the diverse needs of users.

Goal 3: Knowledge Representation 
Students are proficient in the theory and application of skills essential for knowledge representation in evolving technology environments, in any chosen area of specialization.

Goal 4: Theory and Praxis
Students have a critical grounding in theoretical perspectives that draw on research in LIS as well as other fields of knowledge, that inform their professional practices including research, organization, management, and access to information.

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