Goal III: Knowledge Representation
III. Students are proficient in the theory and application of skills essential for knowledge representation in evolving technology environments in any chosen area of specialization.
a. Students analyze, organize and describe various formats of information objects.
LIS 6603: Basic Information Sources and Services - LibGuide
For my final project on Basic Information Sources and Services, I built a LibGuide on a chosen topic. Consistent with my background in Jewish history, I decided to create a finding aid on Holocaust studies, specifically survivorship and concentration camp liberation. Survivors' stories are integral to understanding the Holocaust, and we are uniquely situated in a time when the last remaining survivors are alive to tell their stories. For this finding aid, I picked various formats of information objects from a vast selection of materials on the subject. I found that oral histories, photographic archives, and documentaries were the most effective materials for this topic. I also included other finding aids and recommended readings for anyone interested in researching the subject further.
b. Students identify and apply best practices in using different technologies for knowledge representation.
LIS6303 Preparing Instructional Media - Presentation Software Project
For this presentation, I chose to use a new software based on what I had learned about effective instructional presentations, specifically regarding brevity of content and overuse of bullets. Prezi is a self-guided presentation software that doesn’t require an active presenter, and instead guides users through the presentation in a way that effectively communicates in ways traditional software (ie. PowerPoint) cannot.